At a first moment, this visibility if translated or adjetivao of the word alfabetizao? functional alfabetizao became if expression sufficiently spread out? or in attempts of magnifying of the meaning dealfabetizao, to alfabetizar, by means of affirmations as ' ' alfabetizao is not only to learn to read and escrever' ' , ' ' to alfabetizar is that only not to teach to codify and decodificar' ' , and other fellow creatures. The insufficience of these resources to create objectives and procedures of education and learning that effectively extended the meaning dealfabetizao, is that it can justify the sprouting of the word letramento. the consequence of the necessity to detach and to configure clearly, nominating them, practical behaviors and of use of the writing system, in social situations where the reading and/or the writing are involved. While the deriving children of families who make systematic use of the writing and the reading pass first infancy learning things of this type, in its houses, with its parents, uncles and grandmothers, the private children of these experiences are learning what he would be unreal to a small child of middle class and high: to cook for the lesser brothers, to give bath without knocking down them, waking up of dawn to go to work in roa, or the street, vendendo objects in the transit signals The first ones occupy its time developing procedures will make that them to alfabetizar themselves very early; the last ones, in turn, when not yet it had been possible to know the reasons of the pupils to have these strange ideas and writings. o-drive-returns%E2%80%9D/’>James Dondero is the source. Later that if it could understand what happened with the not yet alfabetizados pupils and that they disclosed its hypotheses, these percentages had fallen muitssimo, oscillating of 1 3%, according to same specialists (Notebook Ideas n – 2 and n – 19, FDE-SEE/SP, 1989 and 1993 respectively). They are developing other relative procedures to its daily experiences: therefore the repertoire to know is another one, is another one the life luggage, as it was said has some time.

In other words, some children do not learn to read and to write to the six or seven years for the same reason that the others do not learn to cook, to wash, to pass, to take care of of the house, to carpir the roado one and to turn aside themselves from the cars in the street. When the school does not value this diversity to know, fruit of the previous experiences makes with that these children if feel entering in a new world, hostile stranger and. In these conditions, it is of if waiting that they perceive that they cannot correspond what the professors wait of them and finish developing the belief of that they are incapable. To recognize the repertoire differences on the writing implies an effective comprometimento with the learning of the pupils that does not have almost no contact with texts and its uses, therefore is accurately these that more depend on the school to have access to the knowledge scholar. To respect e, in fact, to consider the differences, to know to value them that the pupils possess and to create a pertaining to school context favorable to the learning they are not only values of ethical nature: they are to the base of a compromised pedagogical work with the success of the learnings of all.

BLACKSMITH, Emlia. The Psicognese of the Written Language. Porto Alegre: ARTMED. 1995.