Think of the principle of the SWOT. Identify potential problems, show weak points and open questions. Give an objective assessment of the risks. Will it go well? No, it will not be (remember in the 50-50-90 rule: “Anytime you have a 50 – 50 chance of getting something right, there’s a 90% probability you’ll get it wrong”). Organizational have your presentation as PPT, PDF or Word document ready, any tables.. Read More
Social Media Professionally Take Advantage
Cologne Institute offers new social media marketing seminar at Cologne, 01.07.2010: the German Institute for marketing offers one-day seminars on social media marketing from August. Participants will receive strategic marketing to take advantage of a guide to tools like Facebook, Twitter or YouTube. The first seminar held on August 19, 2010 in Cologne. Social media marketing is undoubtedly one of the big trends of the year 2010. 60% of the.. Read More