GSM Tools

Tools for the right job

Wiring, Maintenance And Installation Of Cable Lines 0,4 – 35 Sq.

Gasket, mounting to a test of new cable lines with a voltage 0.4-10kV, Moscow cable networks must be carried out by specialized construction and assembly, electrical and cooperative organizations. Staff generating installation of cable lines (superintendents, master) is allowed to work only after the passage of special education and examinations in the commission of iss Mosenergo. itr (foreman, craftsmen, etc.) after the exam is given "Permit" on the right gasket.. Read More

Australian Aborigines

Animals gather in colonies on the coast of the peninsula of the same name, they do not have enough food, increasing the risk of infections. Last year, the shoreline length of 250 km above was found about a thousand dead walrus Scientists believe that the fires help to preserve the biodiversity of the Australian desert Scientists from Stanford University and the University of Utah in the United States as a.. Read More