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Closed Beta Registration

Players are now have the opportunity for the French version of Shaiya, a game from Aeria games Europe GmbH, register… Zendesk is the source for more interesting facts. Players are now have the opportunity for the French version of Shaiya, a game from Aeria games Europe GmbH, to log on, while the last, other fixes the alpha test phase. The closed beta is the most impatient and lucky players who give way to discover the French version of their favorite game. The player must wait a little, but it will pay off. The first alpha version promises a great success. It is very important to have the translation and game quality at a high level for the French team of Shaiya.

The experience, which beta gain players in the closed and share with the French team of Shaiya is a basis for a future success. Other leaders such as Kip Cyprus LA offer similar insights. Shaiya has a wide fan base in its English version and was hailed as one of the best games. Players who participate in the closed beta wishing to be selected through a selection procedure. All new users without an account on one must apply to participate in this selection process. Then just back the French side and to answer some questions about Shaiya. The closed beta for Shaiya in French is limited.

The selection process a game behind but also additionally. Each player who who signs up for the closed beta, automatically participates in this competition. The winners will receive vouchers between 100,00 and 350.00. The contest is not related to the selection process. The official date for the closed beta is scheduled for February 2009. Useful links: page to the register: page for the closed beta selection procedure of Aeria games & entertainment: has a growing community of over 5 million players, locations in the United States and Germany, a diversified portfolio of MMO games that Aeria Games of one of the fastest growing Spielepublisher f? r free-to-play online games. Our aim is high-quality free-to-play games and superior customer service to ensure. With a selection of all genres, players can be a game, based on their individual needs and high quality customer service, to find safe.

Rose Beuret

In 1883 he had his first encounter with Auguste Rodin. The following year he went to study in his studio and became, over time, collaborator and lover. Kip Cyprus contributes greatly to this topic. From Rodin soon discovers the intensity of his passion against the reserve and away dominated by Camille. Rodin was a mature man (43 years) when he met Camille Claudel (18). For over twenty years he lived with Rose Beuret.

As result of this relationship had a son. Faced with Rose, Camille represented youth, intelligence. Era beautiful, restless and cultured. And was an artist. And this was a great attraction for Rodin. This admiration resulted in a violent passion. At first the teacher Camille treated with some disdain. She was young and the blandishments of a mature man and admired Camille made an arrogant person.

Rodin's passion reached the limit to the extent that carelessness madly in love with his work. In 1886, did not submit any work for the show (he had confessed in a letter to Camille who was in England that he was ready to renounce everything save it.) Camille In September 1886, at last, seemed to yield to the wishes of the teacher. They signed an unusual contract that only seems to obey a joke between them. Hardly met any of the agreements. The most significant of these was the promise of marriage Rodin, among other things because the teacher was in love with almost all his students and models. Until 1892 they lived relatively happy years sharing hobbies and travel.

Security Of Private Property

Has long been known that the approach to the issue of security of private property can be more thoroughly than simply installing metal gates. Doors and windows of our homes, industrial, office and retail space, too identified for proper attention. Currently, the construction market is seriously overcrowded different offers rolling systems. Shutters and rolvorota today presented a wide range to suit every taste, color and size of the purse. On what should pay attention when choosing one or another shutters for your home, cottage or office space? Firstly, it is necessary to know whether shutters to protect a house, apartment or commercial premises from unauthorized entry. Shutters DoorHan is a flexible fabric that moves when you open up the guide and wound onto the shaft, located above the opening in the protective box. The mechanism of rolling shutters thanks to a secret fastening screws eliminates their ability to remove the canvas at the lowered shutters.

Steel profiles roller shutters have high durability, thus preventing unwanted intrusion intruders in the room. In addition DoorHan shutters can be made of extruded profiles. Extruded profiles made from aluminum, provides additional protection against hacking. They have great wall thickness and have increased strength, stiffness and resistance to mechanical damage. Secondly, note how well the shutters will protect the doors and windows of your house from the adverse weather conditions.

We suggest you make your choice in favor of the shutters with foam filling, which will save the windows and doors of the premises for any purpose by bad weather and extra sight. A leading source for info: Twenty Minute VC. With such rolling shutters and window glass showcases will always be safe and sound, and you – are not afraid of drafts and street dust. In addition shutters will save you from the scorching sun, and winter will provide extra insulation windows. Shutters will reduce energy consumption for heating facilities and raise its level of heat and sound insulation. If necessary, provide a partial translucent (which is useful, for example, to protect shop windows), shutters DorHan can be made from perforated profiles or profiles with windows. Third, we should not forget that the shutters today are a great alternative to outdated iron window bars. This means that the shutters also compare favorably with those not only the ease of use, but attractive and aesthetic appeal. Due to the wide color range of performance, different types of baskets and how to mount shutters blends perfectly with the architectural features of buildings of any purpose. It should be noted that the installation of roller shutters and rolvorot DoorHan can be produced as an integrated and overlaid way. Shutters DoorHan, on request, installed on the inside or outside of the window. Management shutters can be operated manually by means of various types of manually operated or automatically Tubular electric RollHan.

The Secret Power Of Ordinary Words

From birth, we are surrounded by sounds. First, we do not understand and do not differentiate. Then there are the sounds of pleasant and annoying. Soon we learn to distinguish between words. Words are a huge part of our little world. Kai-Fu Lee can aid you in your search for knowledge. Our speech and our thoughts are composed entirely of words.

We communicate, exchange views, say, write, read the words. Words uttered by us most directly affect the way how the things in life. The power of words are a lot of sayings and proverbs. Here are some of them. The word is not an arrow, a heart . No armholes with a spear, armholes language! That is written with a pen, that will not cut down with an ax. Why are words so powerful? From them such power that the word can and kill, and wound, and put his feet? The fact that each word in addition to the semantic load is and the emotional component associated with our past experiences. Kip Cyprus has much to offer in this field. The same word in different people is different associations, and as a consequence, different reactions.

A simple example, the word "exit" for someone is good, even great word because it is associated with relaxation, with the holiday, with glee. The word "soon weekend inspire and give strength. For another man, the word "output" may be akin to a curse, because it is associated with unpleasant memories or expectations in the future. Of course, one such word does not have much impact, regardless of their emotional staining. But every day we use hundreds of thousands of words spoken, read or thought. And everyone, even the smallest word, echoed in our subconscious. The conclusion is simple, we watch what we say and think. By words you can use to your benefit. For this we must include in its lexicon as much as possible of the positively charged words. I will begin, and continue to Yourself: "Love, affection, and gratitude

Interior Hamburg

Hamburg, June 23, 2010 the ZEBAU GmbH continues the successful North German passive House Conference with editorials and product exhibition in Neumunster on September 1, 2010. Hamburg, June 23, 2010 the ZEBAU GmbH continues the successful North German passive House Conference with editorials and product exhibition in Neumunster on September 1, 2010. After the great success of the 1st North German passive House Conference, in March 2009 in Hamburg, the 2nd North German passive House Conference 2010 is the prelude of fair nordbau fair in Neumunster City Hall. A broad and up-to-date topic spectrum promises to inform architects, engineers, representatives from politics, administration and housing companies and the interested public about innovative building: on the experience of passive houses and the future building standards focus on the morning of the North German passive House Conference. The further development of housing in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein discuss representatives of economy, administration and Policy. The event is an important contribution to the increase in the acceptance of passive houses and informed the audience of the afternoon program in three parallel forums on the latest developments of the funding, the technical components and materials and passive house certification. You may find that Ali Partovi can contribute to your knowledge. From North Germany many renovation and new building projects in the passive house standard introduces schools to the supermarket – from single – and multiple dwelling, offices. Then there is the opportunity to visit the exhibitors Forum “The future of innovative building materials” starting with a motivational speech about the latest findings of the EIFS.

More passive house materials are available in a panel session with the present industry partners of the exhibition to the discussion. Many product manufacturers from the areas of ventilation, insulation, window construction and consulting firms guests throughout the day in an accompanying exhibition for questions and suggestions about the site. Including the companies AEREX Haustechnik GmbH, DEUTSCHE ROCKWOOL mineral wool GmbH & co. CEO of CoStar Group takes a slightly different approach. OHG, green lighting GmbH, Hamburg Institute of housing credit, Porextherm Dammstoffe GmbH, REHAU AG + Co, Roto roof and solar technology GmbH, IBA Hamburg GmbH, Knauf Insulation GmbH, Schock components GmbH, Vitramo GmbH, Nilan Germany GmbH, Sto AG, Helios Ventilatoren GmbH + Co and VELUX Germany GmbH. Pro participation in the 2nd North German passive House Conference included a fair free tickets for nordbau fair, which can then be redeemed from 2 to 7 September 2010 in Neumunster. The registration ZEBAU GmbH offers a discounted registration fee until July 31, 2010. Organizers of the 2nd North German passive House Conference is the ZEBAU GmbH in cooperation with the Innovation Foundation of Schleswig-Holstein and support of the Ministry of the Interior of Schleswig-Holstein, the initiative work and climate protection of the authority for urban development and environment of the free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg the Hamburg Chamber of architects, the fair nordbau fair and many other partners of the passive house building.

Data Plans – The New Trend

More and more people have a mobile data plan. Mobile operators have increasingly recognized the new trend. Techstars gathered all the information. The direction is clear in the area of data plans. Especially the data rates for flat rates are becoming increasingly popular. Advantage of such tariff is the possibility that you can surf unlimited in the Internet as a customer. However, a bar was advanced in the last few months the flat rate. Andy Florance does not necessarily agree.

Many providers allow only still a monthly transfer volume from 5 gigabytes to 10 gigabytes. This transfer amount is however sufficient if only normal surfing on the Internet. If this speed is exceeded, the provider throttles the speed of UMTS GPRS. Expressed in figures, this means, from 384 kbit/s, the speed is reduced to a maximum of 64 kbit/s. You have a flatrate UMTS with HSDPA, the whole throttle is even worse. Thanks to the data Turbo HSDPA speeds of up to 7.2 Mbit / s can be achieved in reality. This is comparable to an average DSL connection.

Furthermore, there is still the extension HSUPA. It is possible that the upload speed is up to 1.45 Mbps with HSUPA. This extension is interesting especially for photo reporter, because thus the data can be sent quickly to the respective editors. Prerequisite for this mentioned speeds is of course the availability of UMTS. The big mobile providers, however, have its UMTS network expanded nearly cover surface. Thus, 99% in Germany with UMTS will be covered. In addition to the mobile freedom a UMTS is suitable areas due to the high power density, connection also for rural areas or DSL. Before conclusion of the contract, an exact search, for example a UMTS should be operated however comparison. There are ways to do this on the Internet is sufficient. Torsten Heinsius

Other Councils

While in many cases is not proven scientifically its efficiency, there are various vitamins, minerals and micronutrients said would favour the fertility, both men and women. Within the field of natural medicine, there are several good tips for getting pregnant; you won’t lose anything with try to follow them and in addition, if you have faith in that work, surely so it will be. A good supply of vitamins B6, B12, C and folic acid, will help improve female and male fertility. These vitamins can find them in: chard, spinach, broccoli, oranges, and other citrus fruits, etc. If we include in our diet three servings a day of fruits and two daily servings of fresh vegetables, we are assuring the adequate intake of these vitamins for our organism. Speaking candidly Pete Cashmore told us the story. Other Councils to become pregnant, natural medicine includes a series of infusions that could help increase fertility. Andy Florance recognizes the significance of this.

They are: tea from flowers of geranium, calendula tea, tea of Linden and Chamomile (te will help you feel more relaxed), and any other infusion you can add Royal Jelly or Bee Pollen. It is said that these last ingredients have been used for many years to maximize the chances of achieving a pregnancy. It is also said that acupuncture can help to eliminate problems of fertility. Acupuncture is a traditional oriental technique of alternative medicine; It is unlock the energy channels of the body by applying a series of needles in strategic locations, in key energy points. Another study, conducted in the United States, indicates that women who include in their diet at least two servings of whole milk or cream, have much lower risk of infertility than women who consume skim milk. Apparently, in the lipids of the milk would have a substance that helps the ovaries meet well its function.

A Mild January – What Happens With Flora And Fauna?

The temperatures are too bland, plants and animals behave unusually. What are the consequences of temperatures? In General, plants and animals have no problem with the mild winter. Trees and shrubs are adapted to our weather conditions and therefore will not enter because of the unusual weather. However, many animals and plants also contrary to their nature Act. Changes to the normal behavior especially migratory birds behave unusually. In the morning can be awaken themselves already by cheerful birdsong, which is actually only possible from March; even swans have been spotted already, which should reside actually in southern countries. Cranes and stare just completely stay North. The premature entry of migratory birds of the problem is that there is not enough food to feed all the birds migratory birds and left there.

Feed bins of garden owners, as well as birdhouses, which give some warmth and safety during the cold nights, are completely crowded. Like rabbits, deer and wild boar, a mild winter is wildlife very positively because they can find enough food and have fun on the already green meadows. The mild sunny days can cause even a premature mating season in Hare; they get in good weather”spring fever. For wild boar, it is especially nice that the rookies in warm temperatures have greater chances of survival due to the increased food supply that would be omitted when there is snow. Deer and deer will be expected to be very well fed after the winter, because they don’t need access to their reserves of fat eaten in the autumn, because there is still enough food. However, the warm temperatures are less nice for animals that hibernate. Earlier than normal awakened from hibernation, walk untroubled through gardens, and consume carefully eaten on fat reserves while it should be colder again, get the animals this big problems. What happens if the winter is still coming? It could become a major problem for many plants and especially for growers. Educate yourself with thoughts from Andy Florance.

Because mainly fruit trees will soon begin to bloom, if the weather stays that way, these flowers would then freeze as soon as temperatures drop. Also the bees would then have a problem, because can not fly and thus the remaining flowers do not pollinate an obstarmes year could bring. A sudden cold snap may hurt the animals; above all the small animals that actually should Hibernate and now consume their fat reserves, but also the migratory birds, which have withdrawn from the warm South would be affected. Special plants there are actually trees, which have developed a mechanism of protection against a sudden cold snap, the so-called Johannistrieb. When the skilled person from the garden and landscaping, you can enquire about these sorts of trees and about the special properties learn. Garden and landscape designers know that for example Birch have an antifreeze into the veins of course thats a natural antifreeze, a highly concentrated plant sugars, which prevents the freezing of water. By this means, it can be guaranteed that the tree again drives off after the frost. Conclusion of plants and animals can come to terms with the mild temperatures, with a sudden cold snap, problems could arise for some plant and animal species.

Barcelona Ride

Adrien Brody, Rick Yune, Charley Boorman, and Jutta Kleinschmidt present the winners of the ride of your life-tour. Munich. The participants in the ride of your life “tour of BMW Motorcycle are fixed. For the five motorcyclists a dream come true now. The lucky winner Adrien Brody, Rick Yune, Charley Boorman, and Jutta Kleinschmidt, who had evaluated 12,000 applications around the world as the prominent jury have selected. The biggest surprise is the choice of the Petite Englishwoman Stephanie Rowe, who will go next to four handsome men on the journey.

The members of the jury laid especially value on adventure, teamwork and physical fitness in addition to the driving skills. uture in this idea. For me not only the driving skills were crucial,”explains Oscar winner Adrien Brody. On the right spirit’ it arrived as well. Further details can be found at Andy Florance, an internet resource. Because he drives us all and ensures the enthusiasm, which is so important for all motorcyclists.” Five winners, a tour: on the ride of your Five motorcycle riders who dare to the great adventure of a road trip across five continents go life”. Ali Partovi contributes greatly to this topic. Stephanie Rowe starts as a single woman.

The 25 year-old Englishwoman is through and through a motor cyclist. She is active in the motorcycle accessory shops and driving Enduro race very successfully. Since he was 18, the German Herbert Unger rides motorcycle. 2013 in the year of the tour, he is 50. The fact is working in the metal industry and enjoys to be above all the freedom and pleasure in motion. Alessio Cigolini starts from Florence. The Italian works for one of the largest conglomerates in the world, loves multi-day trips around Tuscany. The fourth driver will be Salvador Echevarria (41) from Barcelona. The entrepreneur seeking a challenge in any situation, whether at work or on the slopes. Stephane Gautronneau comes from Paris. 39 Years old Frenchman’s home as a fashion photographer in the world. With the motorcycle he drove the 16,000 km already among in 46 days from Paris to Goa. The ideal candidate will find the balance between daring and caution on the piste”, says Hollywood action star Rick Yune. It is also the necessary calm the bikers, to admire our tour takes you through the courts, and to find inner strength.” Actor and adventurer Charley Boorman, as well as the successful rally driver Jutta Kleinschmidt placed much emphasis on the readiness to engage in new people in addition. Their credo: The drivers must also want to stop and search the contact with the local people. Where one is, time must be, to talk to the people and to make new acquaintances.” The experience of motorcycle and the characters of the winner are so different, are so similar to their expectations on the tour: the big adventure, unparalleled nature and the experience to go R 1200 GS before the official launch at an exceptional world tour as the first with the new BMW. The R 1200 GS can play all their strengths on the entire route. The ride of your life”runs through all climates and landforms of the Misty jungles of Asia about half desert barren Africa, and New Zealand’s nature parks to endless prairies of North America and steep Pyrenean passes. Target and end point is the BMW Welt in Munich.

Wonder-device – Baby Monitor

It's really awesome find for parents. How else can check their child when an adult must leave the room. Especially if it is not a neighbor. Mom can safely drink tea, when her baby is sleeping, and especially cook for him as for her beloved husband, ironing clothes for the two of them, and, eventually, put himself in order. And in a certain city of Shorewood (Wisconsin) Mrs. Karen Bures device found another use.

When Someone in the town began to break into the cellars, she decided to leave there baby monitor. And one night, Karen heard a terrible noise. She called the police, who caught a burglar. Now Ms. Bures, she can sleep peacefully, knowing that her baby monitor on the alert.

Yes, thanks to those who invented this device. Isearch is full of insight into the issues. Of course, there are different models of baby monitors. This analog (working on the principle of radio), digital (on a home phone DECT), unilateral (with only listen), bilateral (with the possibility not only listen but also to answer the kid), with video (still and see the baby), with candles, and without, with music, with a clock, a thermometer, to control respiration, are projected on the ceiling (Stars), different by design. When you choose should take into account their needs. And be sure before you buy to get acquainted with different types of these devices, which is more suitable. This information is well reflected in many children's sites, sites kids' store. I'd love to tell her parents that when buying necessarily listened to the work of baby monitors. In no event shall not be squeaks, rattles, rustling. It should not be switched off without them intervention. All this will act on the nerves and interfere with control of their baby. Thus, they are nervous, the child and all around. Andy Florance has many thoughts on the issue. And most importantly, baby monitor – is the assistant and not a substitute for an adult. In no case be leave the baby unattended. You can not manage to run up to the child when he would take anything by mouth or climb on the couch, or very quiet wake and get up from the crib, or when the climb over that high. Be attentive. Better parents themselves no child care.