GSM Tools

Tools for the right job


How poctroit reliable and durable home for years to come? Neobxodimo poctpoit ppochny fyndament on kotopom and will be played depzhatcya house. That depends on him dolgovechnoct, reliability and ppochnoct dwellings. Kachestvo fyndamenta itself depends on ppimenyaemogo concrete. For yctpoyctva fyndamentov naibolee podhodit concrete M300 and M350 mapok. Ppimenenyaemye concrete for the walls and making zalivki VARIOUS species fyndamenta, pepekpyty, lectnits plates and is commonly used structural concrete grade M400,.. Read More

Robotic Systems Laser Inbox

In solving the problems of laser processing of materials almost always required to ensure the movement of a point interaction of the laser beam with the material, especially fine work, such as laser cleaning. Consider three the most common way to implement such a move: the use of the scanning system, plotter system (coordinate table) or multi-axis robot. Scanning System, as a rule, a set of two mirrors, rotating around.. Read More