I capitulate III. General description of the Project. — From the establishment of the components of the closed-circuit System of TV (CFTV), the project of the computer network without wire will be developed to carry through the interconnection of 25 cameras of monitoramento of type IP PTZ type Speed Dome the test of vandalism and to concentrate its signal in a central station. The project also contemplates net of the central station, that will shelter the equipment managed for the closed-circuit System of TV. I CAPITULATE I 1.
Description (Computer networks) the Department of Defense of the American government initiated in 1966, through its DARPA agency (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) projects for the interconnection of computers in military centers and research, with the objective to create a system of communication and control distributed with military ends. This initiative had as the one of the motivadores sprouting of minicomputers with great power of processing, that could have its job enriched with the access to a great net of communication. According to Fatec 2009, this net received the name from ARPANET. In the decade of 70 up to 1983, the ARPANET was established in IMPs (Interface Message Processors), twirling diverse protocols, being main o NCP (Network Control Protocol). The TCP/IP still was being projected and the Internet was formed for machines of great transport and on minicomputers to the IMPs. Protocol TCP/IP started to be projected in 1977 with the objective of being the only protocol of communication of the ARPANET. Tanenbaum 2006, affirms that in 1/1/1983, all the machines of the ARPANET had started to use the TCP/IP as communication protocol. In 1993, HTTP and browser Mosaic had been created protocols, giving beginning to the World Wide Web (WWW). The World Wide Web was great the responsible one for the exponential growth of the Internet, therefore it allowed to the access the information with rich content in graphs and images and of structuralized form.