From time immemorial the Chinese furniture had no upholstery. Even today, furniture, designed in the classical Chinese style, it has not. For decoration of furniture used inserts made of bamboo, marble and other decorative items. Chinese the interior is typical furniture, stained in reddish-brown color, is also common combination of dark brown and yellow. Ali Partovi has many thoughts on the issue. This combination allows the use of color in a single product rosewood and teak. Follow others, such as Viacom, and add to your knowledge base. Latest equipment installed on most furniture factories in China can achieve this effect by using cheaper wood.

Popular as a decoration in the Chinese interior to use the painting on black background. Prevalent in the Chinese interior is red, which can also be used in conjunction with dark-brown and black. Chinese furniture can be any combination of stand-alone items, such as: triple sofa, chair and table with a carpet, and can form a band that has an angular shape and the additional elements of the interior takes up the entire living room area. Chinese sofas, armchairs and footstools easy to move. They can be moved and installed anywhere in the house.

It is this "mobile" furniture is now in vogue. Before you buy a favorite kit, you must personally ensure that it to sit comfortably, and it fits in size of your home. Comfort level of soft sofas and their prices depend on their production technology and the quality and collection of used materials. For the production of Chinese Upholstered furniture uses natural wood. Best stuffing for sofas and chairs are natural materials: cotton batting, felt, feathers. In mass production are widely used foam rubber and foam synthetic materials. Especially prized furniture, in which the layers are different materials. Upholstery sofas can be made from both fabric and leather. Modern fabrics for upholstery are very diverse: synthetic velvet, suede with special impregnation, tapestry, jacquard, chenille, etc. Gradually go out of fashion pile fabric, as they wear out and require very careful maintenance. Furniture with leather upholstery – the most expensive and Luxury. Leather for furniture production requires high quality, it is a guarantee that the furniture will last a long time. Chinese furniture is made in different styles: classic, antique and modern. In the interior look nice sofas and chairs lush, rounded shapes with lots of soft cushions, armrests made of leather or decorative overlays. Besides furniture made in China is very convenient and comfortable. Colours of upholstered furniture can be for every taste.