Systematic screening determined Leverkusen a secure basis for strategic planning, 09.11.2009 – although the subject currently on everyone’s lips is cloud computing, many decision makers in the companies do not know what is actually behind this approach, and what consequences it may have for their own IT infrastructure. The impact on the internal organization, IT work concepts and security are still mostly unclear. The consulting company Centracon ensure with smartStart cloud computing “developed a systematic method for evaluating individual companies benefit. It aims to provide specific answers on key issues for the use of cloud computing. These include: architecture requirements need to be created? Does the introduction of cloud computing to organizational changes? What are the implications in regard to future investment? What are the risks behind cloud computing? What steps does the transition to cloud computing accomplish? How can the specific business benefits we determine? Using smartStart cloud computing”strategic importance can have cloud computing for the enterprise, what conditions and structures must be created for the use and what the meaningful entry and how to implement should be determined first.
Identification of benefits and potential for optimisation and development of approaches based on this. You are judged in the combination of cost-benefit analysis and feasibility study, to derive a solution and to be able to give instructions for the next steps. The systematic approach is carried out in five successive built stages. Because cloud computing is based on a modified approach to the deployment and use of the entire IT infrastructure, significant changes in the sourcing, system and application operation as well as the IT service management arise”, explains the Centracon CEO of Robert Gallant Need of such screening. The related questions should be answered as early as possible, to make the right strategic course.” How smartStart cloud computing”is derived from the centracon smart decision model” down. This field-proven, modular method serves the precise evaluation strategic approaches and alternatives, as well as safeguarding existing planning decisions. About centracon: Solutions for flexible and cost-efficient deployment and management of IT jobs and applications characterize the core competencies of centracon. Our consulting spectrum extends in addition to the classical optimization and standardization workplace infrastructures by implementing innovative technology solutions such as application virtualization and virtual desktops, to process and infrastructure automation to innovative business solutions such as, for example, user-self-service concepts. Customers include, for example, Deutsche Telekom AG, FinanzIT, German GAD eG, post AG, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen, Swisscom IT services, Deutsche Bahn AG, e.