For this the best is having a website that allow the seller to locate the files that you want to share with one or more prospects and send address an e-mail leaflet. This receives a simple mail with an Internet address, which can be accessed and proceed with the download of the file. Works like the concept of FTP that technicians use to move large files between users, but without the technical complexity of this is. Objective: To accelerate the process of communicating with prospects and customers to volumes of information, avoiding the problems that can represent the e-mail and without having to depend on computer technical personnel to support this process. Give autonomy to the seller so you can send large volumes of information in case of being necessary tool: there is an enormous amount of solutions of this type in the market.

That I use is called Send Space (). It can be used in free mode or is there more complete service for which you can pay a monthly fee. Has greatly facilitated me communication for the sending catalogues, presentations, extensive documents, etc. The client has been very satisfied, since not blocking your email account. Share Notwithstanding presentations that the alternative presented in the preceding paragraph is very good to make sending of PowerPoint presentations on many occasions, you want to share a presentation display. Definition: Share with one or more people a presentation given as support of a sales process. On many occasions you make a presentation to several people of its prospect and they ask for a copy of the presentation. You normally or the attempts to send by electronic mail or deliver a copy on a USB memory device. His image as a well-prepared and professional seller will be much better if it makes them sending an e-mail with an address on the Internet which can be consulted throughout your presentation or even can download it aim: improve the communication process with your prospect and provide all the tools to facilitate the evaluation phase.