To install themes on your motorola a1200 should follow these pasos.1. Has been installed on your cellular previously in program called MotoAsst, which unlike other progrmas this what makes is to select the folder where are contained all the necessary files to install the theme. 2 Get the subject, assume that we are going to install a theme called av7ven so that they are correctly installed must have the requirements: a. the container folder should be called exactly same as the theme to install, respecting uppercase and lowercase and spaces in whites, or any character in especial.b. Necessary files that must be in the folder if there are these: b. 1 a file called av7ven.psknb.2 a file called av7ven.sknb.3 a file called iconres.ezx3.

Abir motoasst program and select topics, then install, then Copleto and wait for to open the exploracion.4 window. Select the folder where are the files for the installation of the theme, click on ok. 5. The window appears with the message item found. Would like to install it? give Yes and wait until aparesca confirmation message that the theme was installed, then that cell phone will restart and will appear with the new theme installed. Keep in mind of store themes in the transflash and each program or game that you install, thus not saturaras the internal memory of the phone and avoid cause that your phone is freeze or freeze and you have to Flash it to to be able to return to its previous state. Enjoy installing themes on your motorola a1200.