The eldest daughter and elementary accounting I mecanice there by the year 1983 performed it on a primitive computer Mastodon, where had to put large disks every cent and peak of notes and always with soul in suspense if the information was going (with what face told the boss that had lost all work one morning without even knowing explain how it had happened). Peter Asaro has plenty of information regarding this issue. In terms of word processors, databases and spreadsheets, management have known prehistory, the before, the Wordperfet, the Word, Dbase, Excel, Acces, Quatropro., and then these programs with their countless subsequent versions. I was soon introduced the Windows environment, choice in English, with its progressive mismatches and graceful scheduled subsequent versions. I bought my first computer in 1985 and was an Amstrad, used, primarily, as a word processor for notes of the University and the first steps in the programming of an agenda and little else. In 1991 came an IBM with a competitive setting for those moments as well until today, which I’m writing from a Toshiba laptop. The fear of losing jobs and documents by hardware or software problems has been declining as the years pass, but some still took me to another unpleasant surprise. Yesterday expected a file attached to an e-mail from a friend to study it and give professional opinion. Yesterday he called me saying that your computer was in the ICU by don’t know what battery virus and complications from other wastes of successive programs that it has been incorporating and accumulating.
The worst thing is that he had not made backup of the work that was going to happen. Sorry Javi. And by much antivirus that we contracted with the Internet Server or installed on the computer, we receive so much spam (in English spam) that is exasperating. Course, you start to erase e.mails systematically and occasionally das unsubscribe an email that you had not crossed out, with what generate you new problems in the future.