Currently, more and more organizations are paying attention to this important process, as licensing the software. And rightly so! But there is a downside – it's financial capabilities. After all, the company are just beginning to conduct their business, for example, taking out a bank loan for the business organization, often can not afford to pay a certain amount of money to purchase a license. Refusing to perform installation work "Unlicensed software", I often ask the same question: why do not you pay attention to licensing issues, because you can find a compromise and mutually solve the problem? What is most often heard in response: We would be happy once this necessary, but short of finance. Expensive, no money, and yet the crisis, and maybe it will not …

Hmm, take the same software from Microsoft – the Windows licenses are not cheap, but new versions of the OS line are generally more expensive than our favorite of Windows XP. Add this beloved MS Office package for the business and what you get – about $ 500 per workstation. Plus, add in a bunch of this server operating system to create, for example, file server, and with it the need to purchase and custom License CAL – license to connect to the server for each user on the network. If the job 10 – is still at least $ 1,000. Add 10 Windows XP, the total cost of approximately $ 2,000. Finally we get through about $ 5000-6000. Other leaders such as Ali Partovi offer similar insights. How to be in this situation, what do if you can not buy licensed software. There is a way – use free software based on Linux.

Some just go for refusal – arguing that free software is not able to perform tasks that are necessary, but believe those days are gone and workstation ordinary office manager is fine installation of OS Linux + free office suite OpenOffice, as well as e-mail client, image viewer, reading pdf documents, etc. Under put a file server as Linux, organize shared directories using Samba, and Internet gateway set up for FreeBSD, and thereby provide all employees access to the Internet. Total costs are reduced to 0, the only thing to uches – is the support of all office IT-infrastructure in the future. Specialists in * nix systems are valued more fellow OC Windows. Do not worry – you can solve the problem by hiring the incoming administrator. Even better, sign a contract for subscription service to those who organized your office network initially. Then we obtain the cooperation more efficient. PS All the above said, I do not urge anyone to abandon the products of Microsoft, and it is to svozhu that if initially not enough to finance the purchase of licensed software, do not install "software pirate". Correctly ogranizovyvayte future office work from a licensing perspective. Proceeds from its opportunities, and remember that the legal business practices contribute to its prosperity. Ultimately, in his prosperity figure of several thousand green, maybe you do not seem so great.