-A platform of e-learnig electronic whiteboards is a software system that enables different features students and teachers: aspect teacher student content – flexibly manage multimedia educational content – flexibly access multimedia educational content – flexibly access multimedia educational content assessments – develop questions/items for exams and self-assessments banks – elaborate tests – tests – to assess perform self-assessments – receive feedback from evaluations and self-evaluations trails – custom track of the teaching-learning process. -Compile statistics on behaviors of the course – monitor the progress of the learning communication process -Communicate with students and other teachers within a learning environment – communicate with other teachers and peers within an environment of learning participation and discussion – produce instances of learning that foster the participation and discussion. -Exchange of ideas and views intelligent systems of E-LEARNING – an intelligent e-learning system involves administration of contents flexible and adaptable to the characteristics of the participants. -Intelligent content management operacionaliza through an inference engine, which constitutes a system of rules that applied to a number of conditions or variables of students (behavioural, of preferences, background, qualifications, etc.), produce certain results (presentation of certain educational content) five types different of systems of management?N content (CMS) with different educational value: Transmitting knowledge (identifying) – teachers know what students need to learn and your responsibility lies in transmitting the knowledge of how simplest possible. -Transferred knowledge are extracted from the teacher knowledge, prepared in a special way (what is known as a didactic preparation), so that students can grasp the content quickly, as well as memorize it long term. -There are some links and relations between this model and the behaviorist learning model. ACQUIRE, compile and ACCUMULATE knowledge (identifying II) – this model of education part of that learning is an active process, which the student must plan, revise and reflect. The student is an active entity, and its activity is what supports the process of learning or even a necessary condition for this.