If we began to count the number of people have mobile phones would never end, it is estimated that about 3,800 million people worldwide have mobile phones which 3,400 million of them have computers with GSM (Global System for Mobile communications), which indicating that mobile technology is used. In our country the situation is different in that the CDMA network is still the highest penetration, while the GSM has only 41%. In countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru networks account for more than 70% of the market. In Venezuela, GSM technology was recently beginning with the arrival of DIGITEL, whose user base is 100% GSM, it should be noted that only last year, Movistar began to migrate to this network, but it is still more CDMA. The same is happening with MOVILNET, who is also implemented this technology into their equipment.
It is important to stress that we as consumers are the ones who choose the technology, operators are those who do. Equipment suppliers manufacture the technology, then push them and promote them, and those who end up buying the computers are the consumers. A consumer often does not care network in which your computer operates as the practicality goes, cell model, costs, etc. In Latin America there must be according to figures from the firm 3G Americas, two million users of GSM technology. This technology surpasses the others for several reasons, namely, one of the most important is that they are cheaper to install networks, and also offer Internet connection speeds much faster. For example with the iPhone or Blackberry devices, you can surf at speeds of over 1MB per second, ie no longer need a laptop for viewing information or to answer emails.
For the time in our country there is no 3G network, ie they are third-generation networks that allow many advantages, such as uploading photos, downloading music and online sharing high speed without having to be tethered to a PC. The incorporation of this technology in our country has been a bit hampered by the high costs of telephone equipment using 3G, but it is believed that only a matter of time, and that as people consume more will lower costs, and that for these networks come into a more massive use cheaper terminals are needed, and surely is what lies ahead.