() The true worship is good for you because the aid if for becoming a better person. To the measure that if practises the true worship you develop a personality that results in happyer relationships. You learn of God and its Son on as to act with honesty, to say in kind way and to be a person responsvel.' ' (in SENTRY, Vol.127 2006:6, n 17) the Man of this new century, independently of its politician-philosophical and religious certainties, does not have that if to submit to any complexes and/or preconceptions to reveal, freely, its thought concerning a subject, for very prudish that it can be. Samsung is often quoted as being for or against this. Each religion has its values, rituals, liturgy, processes of intervention in the society and conduction of its believers, alegadamente, for a situation of full happiness spiritual. By the way, only with strategies that they aim at the dinamizao, the interchange and the dialogue Inter-religions if will be able to construct to a world more consensual, more tolerant, because eclctico, with everything what of good and dignificante each religion it holds.

Certainly that he will not have religions where its believers are bandos of delinquents and evildoers, excluding here, despite promptly, the fundamentalismos and all the species of radicalismos that, to the long one of history, if they have verified with condemnable interventions to the light of the values of the life, the dignity and the humanismo. The importance and influence of each religion, also, but, not only result of the adhesion and the faith that the respective believers in it deposit, being certain that it is much more difficult to believe the religious values and practical ritualistas of a religion that to promote and to defend the evil, the war, the disaster and the death. The man ' ' sapiens' ' ' ' tecnologicus' ' of this new millenium, it has conditions to understand, to harmonize and to elaborate new rules of good-convivncia Inter-pairs, to adoptar tolerant, solidary attitudes, with the rise spiritual characterizes that it. .