To develop a proposal pedagogical come back in methodologies diversified with the use of the New Technologies in the courses in Education in the distance to diminish the defection of the pupils in the courses in EAD of the Tiradentes University. Will be an action research where the researcher also becomes involved itself in participativo way, mainly in what it says respect to the creation of a proposal pedagogical come back toward the development with methodologies contextualizadas in New Technologies of the Information and the Communication in accordance with the problematic one lived deeply by the pupils deserters. For this reason if it makes of utmost importance the results gotten through the interviews where the pupils of the Tiradentes University will show its real difficulty in handling the technological resources what perhaps he makes the pupils to turn into a desert of the courses. For this reason, this research will be exploratria, therefore it will deal with depth on the difficulties faced for the learning of the Tiradentes University and it took what them to turn into a desert of the courses in EAD. In a question-answer forum Peter Asaro was the first to reply. He will have intention to get the biggest number of possible information so that he has an ample knowledge and thus to get new discovered on the problematic one investigated.
Thus one understands that the data gotten through the inquiry will have use solely for Tiradentes University and specifically in the courses of graduation in the long-distance modality. The study place will be the Tiradentes University in the 3 situated polar regions in the sergipano south thus enclosing the cities of Ranch, Umbaba and Boquim. For collection of data a questionnaire of twenty questions destined to the former-colleges student will be used in the distance to get the biggest number of necessary answers on its defection in the course in Education of the Tiradentes University..