The Mexicans heard. And again go there and among sedges reeds at the edge of the cave. They reached the spot where stands the wild cactus there on the edge of the cave, and saw an eagle standing quiet in the wild cactus: there eat, eats there and made a cave the remains of what you eat. And when the eagle saw the Mexicans, he bowed deeply. And the eagle could see from afar. The nest and the seat was all fine few feathers are: tile feathers, bird feathers and red quetzal feathers. And also there were precious birds' heads and feet of birds and bird huesoa stretched thin on the ground.

He spoke well diosy said: – Ah, Mexicans, here it is: Mexico is here, And though they did not see who spoke to them, they began to mourn and say: – Felices us happy at last, we have seen Where be our city! Come on and come to rest here! Anonymous CANTO upright light Flores open their corollas which extends the aquatic moss, here in Mexico, placidly are widening, and amid the moss and the nuances are extended the city of Tenochtitlan: the spread and flourish makes god, has his eyes fixed on site as east, is fixed in the middle of the lake. Turquoise columns were made here in the huge lake became columns. It is God that sustains the city and takes in his arms Anahuac, in the vast lagoon. Netzahualcoyotl. "So I have to go, FLORES IS it expired? "So I go, like flowers that pass away? Nothing ever will be my name? Nothing will leave after me on earth? At least flowers, at least songs? How my heart has to work? Did we come to live in vain, to emerge from the earth? Only let go when they run out the gardens.

What will happen to my reputation over time? Will I at least flowers, at least some songs? What will my heart? "In vain we have come to appear in the world. Anonymous THE FLOWER AND THE SONG sprout flowers. are fresh, thrive, opening its petals. Inside you leave the flowers of song: you, oh poet, the spill over others. Chalco anonymous. THE EAGLE AND THE CACTUS reached the spot where stands the wild cactus there on the edge of the cave, and saw the eagle standing quiet in the wild cactus: eat here, there and starts devouring the cave the remains of what you eat. And the eagle saw the Mexicans, he bowed deeply. And the eagle could see from afar. The nest and its seat was toso him how many feathers are fine; tile feathers, bird feathers and red quetzal feathers. And also there were precious birds' heads and feet of birds and bird bones stretched thin on the ground. God spoke to them and said: – Ah, Mexicans, here it is! Mexico is here! And although they did not see the speaker, they began to mourn and say, We Happy, happy at last! We have already seen where you have to be our city! Come and go to rest here! NEW FLOWERS Anonymous flowers arrived! A put on them, O princes, to acquire its wealth! Extremely fleeting show his face, shooting reverberate. Just in time become perfect green. The thousand-petaled yellow flowers! They flowers next to the mountain! Huejotzingo anonymous.