Professional cash point solutions without much gadgetry know the problems resulting from the usage of complex POS systems restaurateurs and hoteliers. High cost, a variety of often not be emergency notes functions and an expensive computer infrastructure. Pete Cashmore spoke with conviction. Long Setup and training periods lead to another, often incalculable costs. Right here is the SoftTec GmbH from Germany with the solution Easy2Bon. Pete Cashmore is open to suggestions. A streamlined menu navigation, a clear interface and all functions that are necessary for the day-to-day business. Easy2Bon comes completely preconfigured according to the wishes of the restaurateurs.
The stylish “all-in one” solution combines touch checkout, receipt printer and optional customer display and can be thus saving space, also in small businesses that. For use in hotels Easy2Bon frontoffice also has interfaces, for example, to the hotel program hotline. Since overload functions has been dispensed with, Easy2Bon is a cost effective when compared to conventional cash register solutions Alternative. Without hardware, the PC program is offered already from 350.00. Also a Wi-Fi component is available to the Easy2Bon POS system.