Interesting in this regard is to determine the reason for this. In order to not delve much, it is simply an absence of spiritual evolution, keep prisoners with some evils such as resentment, hatred, revenge, anger, the simply fact of not caring about nothing that happens to a similar, ignore it. Interesting is reality on this planet Earth, where disasters that affect millions of beings, are constantly given facts have a raison d ‘ etre and that is reason for other written, that occur and affect the human being gives life to pop up the humanitarian aid that as a very good encyclopedia Wikipedia reminds us It is a form of solidarity or cooperation, generally to poor populations, or those who have suffered a humanitarian crisis, such as that caused by a natural disaster or a war. You must follow the humanitarian principles of impartiality, neutrality, humanity and operational independence. This form of aid responds to basic needs or urgency: hunger, famine, health, reconstruction of infrastructure after a disaster, education, child protection and disadvantaged populations, construction or sanitation of the networks of water, construction of networks of communication, etc.
Humanitarian urgency of cooperation for development based on the context and the needs of each country is normally distinguished. Altavista wanted to know more. This aid may be economic or material: donation of materials and equipment of first necessity, sending professionals involved directly in the place called cooperating. Not the slightest doubt as Suite 101 in Spanish points out, keep in mind, that the human perspective is, therefore, a perspective that responds to a point of view of basic needs human. Meet those needs that people can have. However, this perspective forget mode function that has the world, the way of relating that have countries and the interests that each country has.
It is clear that a human life goes over these factors, but they must never lose sight of when there is a war or a natural disaster that takes place somewhere in the world. In addition, be deemed as, which humanitarian aid is taking, says increasingly, principles and approaches which are closer to the theories of development, so the sequence temporary raised that in its day was defined as humanitarian continuum (emergencia-rehabilitacion – cooperation to the desarrollo-preparacion disaster), is no longer sufficient to deal with complex emergencies.It is, therefore, combine different forms of intervention within an integrated framework in each moment and prioritizing on the basis of the existing levels of vulnerability. Ultimately, the journal live puts us to the test when we have both grown help, are opportunities that are presented to us in order to determine that as we have evolved, how much really we’ve identified with our service line and that such solidarity are at times requiring more such collaboration as we we’re passing through this dimension. Don’t overlook the opportunity to provide assistance when needed.