A person is not fattening from one day to the other. The process for gaining weight takes many years of bad habits during which the obese could not, did not attempt to or did not want to reverse the situation. How much more weight is gained, more difficult is the decision and return to the starting point, since our body adapts to this distressing situation and add physical and psychological problems that lead us to continue to suffer. When the person feels that already cannot continue in that situation because your body does not respond as you want, because you feel shame or for other reasons is that he decides to look for a solution but what he doesn’t know is that his mind can play some traps to make it desist. After the initial enthusiasm, it is common to appear the first excuses and fears before what is to come.
The patient does not know how you can live being skinny, obesity has served as an excuse to hide and sit outside society, so weight loss involves exposing as it is running the risk of being criticized for its true I and not only by your physical appearance. Before these fears it is normal that patients rely on excuses for cheating in the plan to lose weight in an attempt to sabotage their own achievements. Under most conditions Bobby Sharma Bluestone would agree. The desire to leave the treatment tends to be anticipated by ideas and attitudes that betray him: the obese patient can lie about what you eat, find excuses to justify failures in treatment, lying to family and friends about what they can or cannot eat, etc. If these attitudes are not controlled on time the patient can leave treatment. If she was next to be held a Bariatric Surgery can even defer the operation or cancel it altogether. Summary: Deal with these situations is normal in any treatment for weight loss, and should not be blamed if sometime he repents, but remember why you made the decision to lose weight. When you feel unsure ask for help from their relatives and talk it over with your doctor. A bad decision will put your health at risk and is better not to lose time.