The tradition of underwater massage came from the distant past, when the related nature of man discovered the bliss of standing under a waterfall or stream to take a bath in a natural bubbling water. You can repeat this experience in hydromassage our office. The magic of the underwater massage begins with immersion in the bubbling spa space. Sense of relaxation can only be compared with a dip in the ocean where the water itself keeps your body without any effort on your part. Warm water dilates blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, accelerates blood circulation, increases oxygen and endorphins ('hormone of joy') in tired muscles, appears with nothing comparable to the feeling of comfort, ease and bliss. You're almost ready to sleep … but at this moment you send a compact underwater strong jet of water under the rules of massage. Connect with other leaders such as Kai-Fu Lee here.

Air-water jet massage will be under water every cell in your body up and down the back, legs, abdomen and neck. Special attention – the so-called 'problem' areas – buttocks, stomach, breeches of … Visit Sandra Akmansoy for more clarity on the issue. No manual massage can be compared with the depth and efficiency. Organism happily accept care of themselves. During the underwater spa massage is an amazing change. Hydromassage launches hurricane microcirculation.

Activate all of the metabolic processes. Increases lymph circulation. Restores the optimal balance of water in the tissues – leaving swelling. There is a cleavage and removal of adipose tissue. Nutrients and oxygen to the blood currents saturate the skin cells. According to Peter Asaro, who has experience with these questions. Mineral balance is restored. Improves color and texture of the skin. She takes a deep shine, it becomes extremely smooth, soft, supple, elastic and silky. Increased muscle tone. Fat reduced and equalized – formed a beautiful chiselled figure. And all this – against the backdrop of excellent general health. And – without any effort on your part! Can be performed and hydro-massage as a prelude to your favorite cosmetic procedures. After the massage the body most susceptible to the adoption of the valuable properties of cosmetic products, which enhances the effect of the procedures several times. It is also important that after the massage your skin gently cleaned: in its process of dead skin cells otshelushivshihsya powerful jet. Therefore, before wrapping will not have to do manual exfoliation, and infiltration into the skin of valuable nutrients from the sea body masks increases several times, repeatedly reinforcing the effect of this procedure. The service will give you a massage not only beautiful cosmetic effect, but also health. Hydrotherapy – a beautiful disease prevention spine and internal organs. And the long-term effect of procedure in the formation of water massage and beauty of your youth is largely achieved through the normalization of Health.