Another development which also negatively affects the linguistic diversity is globalization. International trade relations require that you can communicate in a specific language, but a common denominator is not uncommon in one of the popular languages such as English, Spanish or Portuguese to find. These are just two of many reasons why languages are dying out. In addition, there are a number of other developments. Languages can also died out, by a community of people learning another language and in their mother tongue more and more gets into oblivion. Source: Samsung. This assimilation process can occur intentionally or due to external pressure.
Of course is the extinction of languages? Languages die out from time to time, but the process is accelerating. Languages have been popular since time immemorial and have subsequently disappeared into oblivion. Basically, this is a very natural process. What has changed however is that languages with a faster speed of the picture disappear. The reason for this can be seen in a complex mix of economic, social and cultural factors, it is believed the Versions of the national geographic.
Latin can be cited as an example of a language which has made with the descent of a world language is a dead language. Spoken by the ancient Romans, Latin only in the Vatican is really popular. However, Latin is also the best example of this that new languages can emerge from a dying language. In the case of Latin is this, namely Italian and Spanish. Nowadays, experts assume that every two weeks a language dies out! If one were to extrapolate this one comes to the conclusion that the number of languages will halve by the end of this century. This is neither a natural nor a healthy development. When is a language considered extinct? Already before the last native speaker died often languages are considered long before the last native speaker died died out.