The electrician reports information about protective equipment and measures as well as to potential dangers regarding the testing of electrical equipment. In this way, a skilled worker, janitor or craftsmen with electro-technically instructed person can be trained. The electrician has the responsibility for all tests. An electro-technically instructed person is authorized to perform repeat tests under certain circumstances. The electrician must be for the supervision and direction of recurring inspection on the spot. In this way she can if necessary to intervene and answer questions.

Also, the trained person must have suitable Use test equipment. The formation of a test team, consisting of the electrician and the trained person, is also possible. The trained staff has a supporting function for the specialist. Testing of electrical equipment and resources organization can be quite a comprehensive planning and preparing for an upcoming exam save much time and minimize the interference of the workflow. First, it must be clarified whether for inspecting an external service provider is contracted or an in-house employee is qualified. For the deadlines, a time should be selected where are for example not many devices in use, to avoid idling and waiting times. The test equipment must be in a defect-free condition and suitable for the verification. Electrical appliances, as private in the operation have been brought up coffee machines, must be clear, whether they should also be examined.

The electrician encounters defects or damage the electrical equipment and installations, how must be accurately determined. Inspection before initial operation already must be ensured before commissioning of electrical equipment or facilities, that they are in a proper condition. About responsible employers or entrepreneurs. Under certain conditions, initial tests may account for equipment and resources. For a waiver of the examination for the first time, the manufacturer or the installer of the system must confirm in writing that it corresponds to the accident prevention regulations and complied with the electrotechnical regulations.