GSM Tools

Tools for the right job

Building Construction

Rapidly gaining your weight on the building materials market, the new finishing sheeting – Magnezitovaya plate (MP) never ceases to amaze the breadth of the spectrum of its application. Combining the characteristics of such classical sheet finishing materials such as OSB, QSB, chipboard, fiberboard, gypsum fiber, GVLV, GVLO, DSP, flat slate, etc. MP has been widely applied in the following areas: 1. Decoration of facades (including work on warming). 2… Read More

Various Kinds Of Electric Fireplace Inserts

Various kinds of electric fireplace inserts Many of those who want to buy electric fireplace, make this one of two reasons: either they do not have enough space for what would install a gas or traditional fireplace, or do they just want to improve the look of a room of his home. In both cases, buy electric heater will probably be the best solution of all available options. Electric fireplace.. Read More