The joy, to develop their own ideas and to implement, with resource forge independently led to an unusual commitment. And thus the advent calendar also on time can go online on the 01.12.2013, even beyond the agreed working hours.” Their skills, their dedication and the enthusiasm for the project and the independent work eventually led Bianca Koch, Sonja fries to offer a permanent position. From 1 December, she belongs to the team by resource forge and will act as a full-time employee in the area of media design. Boss: don’t discourage employees! At the start of a new job, employees are still highly motivated, but leadership errors, such as incorrect communications, as well as the destruction of commitment, enthusiasm and emotion, cause demotivation and frustration in the job “, so Cook. People want to take responsibility and need space to self-realization.
Executives need to give up their control compulsion, show more empathy and trust. You should clearly communicate goals and involve staff in decisions. Thus, the meaningfulness of their commitment in mind running employees. And chefs and managers may even thank you”say! “Recognition is a big power Turbo: the boss has perceived my performance and even recognized.” The engagement of an employee over a long period can these experience guarantee. “, so the motivation expert. Entrepreneurs and executives in corporate coaching and seminars of the resource forge learn how communication between boss and employees can be achieved, and how motivation beyond money. r or against this. More information and from 1 December 2013 also the advent calendar on the Web page: company profile: since 2011 the resource forge is self-employed, entrepreneurs and managers in the field On personality development. Bianca Koch, owner of resource forge, works as a trainer and coach for personal growth and communication. Two worlds combine their extensive experience as educated and as a psychological consultant (ILP): Systematics and efficiency meet flexibility, excellent communication and empathy encounter both for the maximum benefit for each client structure. Contact: resource forge Bianca Koch at the hop garden 2 97292 Thungersheim near Wurzburg Tel: 09369-2095010 E-Mail: Internet: