The aim of the project is the zero-fault production – after successfully completed FMEA, project expands the EAO cooperation with the IBS AG – about 75 percent of all quality problems arise in Hohr-Grenzhausen construction and planning, June 10, 2010: EAO is expert in the field of human machine interfaces (HMI) and global manufacturer and supplier of electronic components, such as E.g. keypads, keyboards and electronic control units. The EAO is the interface between man and machine technology. The company has production sites in the Switzerland, Germany, France and China. The representations of the EAO worldwide spread over 50 countries. The issue of quality was always instrumental for the success of the EAO, to EAO in 1992 was one of the first companies which the ISO 9001 certification received industry in the HMI.

In 1998, the certification was finally according to VDA 6.1 and in 2009 after IRIS Rev. 02 for the rail industry. In the year 2009 EAO who then decided due to the steady increase in Product complexities for the introduction of a software-based quality management system. In a first step the FMEA introduced EAO finally module of the IBS AG successfully. FMEA failure, contingency – and influence analysis means it is an instrument to advance quality planning. With support of the FMEA software solution possible sources of error in the EAO can design, planning and production in advance by Predictive analyses”are discovered. As a result of the successful FMEA project the EAO has hired now IBS AG to complement the existing software solution to other modules (APQP project management, Controlplan, test planning, initial sample inspection) in the area of quality preplanning.

The new contract includes a comprehensive license agreement. With the implementation of IBS FMEA module in the last year, we could identify already several possible reasons for failure after a short time. As a result, we could make sure all customer-specific requirements to our products. Our goal is in the medium term, with support of IBS solutions, a zero-fault production”to reach”, Mr Rudolf Loosli (Director business process engineering, EAO Group). Starting from studies showing that about 75% of the quality problems in the planning areas and only 25% in the manufacturing steps are caused, the expediency shows a FMEA”explains Volker Schwickert, IBS Board sales and marketing. And last but not least also the question of the profitability of a company; This can get by abnormal warranty and goodwill cases, product recalls and customer losses significantly in the wrong location. Here a sustainable quality preplanning can help”, Volker Schwickert next.