In offset printing Printing is called a printing method in which dye is transferred from the printed form on the surface of the paper is not directly but through an intermediate offset cylinder, therefore, in contrast to other printing methods, the print image is direct, rather than a mirror. Method of offset printing is mainly used in flat print. With offset printing, paint gets on the printed surface, usually passing through two Shaft – the shape and offset shaft. Form – a metal plate coated with a photosensitive layer on which the image is applied. Then, a zasvechivanie, or exposure of a photosensitive material, after What overexposed parts attract water and repel all the oily components, in particular paint. Opposite effect nezasvechennye carry the remaining part of the form. The paint falls only on overexposed (Exposed) part of the form, thus forming the letters and pictures.
In the process of offset printing there is a system of moisturizing and inking rollers. By means of dampening roller shaft with the printed form is washed with water, and when by inking rollers already painted. Next, the image is transferred to the offset shaft and from there to the substrate surface. Due to the offset shaft is less wear and greater evenness forms of paint. Obtain an image with offset printing technology can be only one color – the color that is used in the inking rollers. A color image can be obtained by printing a few runs or multi-color printing printing machine, in which there are several sets of colored trees. Offset printing method is advantageous for large print runs of products. One variety of offset printing is a tampon.
It is implemented through an intermediate elastic element ('tampon' or 'roller'), which transfers the image from the printing form surface of virtually any shape. Screen printing is done through play images and text using the printed form (stencil). Dye penetrates the printed material through a stencil. Print form elements missing paint, and white space delay. One way to screen printing – silk screen printing, which uses a special fabric or metal mesh. Screenprinting allows printing on virtually any material and any surface shape. To date, screen printing are application not only in printing but also in the textile, electronics, automotive, glass, ceramic and other industries. Another kind of screen printing is risography. Print made using the printed form in the material which burn for laser micro-printing elements. As a rule, risography used for breeding in small production runs.