The present monitoring and evaluation proposal aims to both, using technological means available in the media room, that allows quick and efficient communication between the technical teaching of coordination of distance education area and the responsible of the classroom media. On the other hand, it is also considered necessary to make direct visits enabling one closer between the responsible of the classrooms of media and staff coordination, with the purpose of detecting pedagogical support requirements and implement, where appropriate, actions and relevant educational projects. Justification from the information obtained in the surveys applied to the responsible of the classrooms of media, modifies schema advice and follow-up to these activities, which at present only has opted to make direct visits to schools and they are ignored or they sub-utilizan the electronic media. Purpose: Establish a permanent monitoring in the periodic preparation of the work plans of each responsible of the classroom media. Create and promote academic encounters between the responsible of the classrooms of means for the exchange of views on the incorporation of technological resources in the school educational practices, participation in collaborative projects, dissemination of strategies and pedagogical alternatives and opportunities for reflection on the impact of technology in the process teaching and learning. Provide an academic blended learning, upon detection of specific needs of pedagogical guidance and requirements as well as the incorporation into collaborative projects. Assessing the impact of the incorporation of technological resources in core areas of basic education for educational purposes.
Operation the proposed monitoring and evaluation strategy, proposes operational strategy, the drafting and development of activities whereas lines of action and phases of implementation of the proposal. Lines of action: or unique information to the responsible of the classrooms of media folder. or organization of the first meeting academic responsible of the classrooms of media. or academic blended learning. or evaluation of the impact of the use of technological resources in the academic achievement in the subjects of basic education.