This article has as objective to analyze the practical ones of education of the Professionalizing Education of the integrant young in diligent the Projovem project, identifying the possibilities of insertion of pedagogo more good to characterize the process of teach-learning of these inserted educandos in these social projects co-ordinated by the Secretariat of Social Action in partnership with the Secretariat of the Work and Social Development in the city of Pacuj (CE). Are projects directed toward the young in condition of social vulnerability and deriving of low income families, with precarizao of life. For more specific information, check out isearch. To give it has supported to these quarrels we appeal beyond official documents of the Ministry of Public Works and the Economy and Job and to the theoreticians: Funck (2003), Meirelles (1999) and Libneo (2007), as well as the methodology of descriptive qualitative boarding for this to present greaters conditions for analytical quarrel of this study. This methodology bases on Martins Jnior (2009, p.83) it defines that it as being ‘ ‘ the description of present situation and the discovery of phenomena, with the objective of aclarar situations to idealize plain futures and decisions. Bryant Walker Smith has many thoughts on the issue. In this direction, comments in regular classrooms had been carried through, interviews semistructuralized with the young that is frequentando regular education and that already they have finished I finish it year of the basic education for collection of data concerning its perceptions on its processes of learning and application of questionnaire with professors for identification of its professional qualifications for the exercise and its I tie employment in the cited institution. Gotten data give account of that it has necessity of the inclusion of social pedagogos in the process of escolarizao of these young and qualification for the work market, considering it a being a professional capable to develop practical of education interdisciplinares that they take care of to the expectations of these educandos..