Prefabricated buildings (BVZ) – one of the most promising segments of the construction market. Interest to them generates growth in demand for property, and hence on the construction technology, enabling fast and cost-effective to erect buildings for various purposes. Market for prefabricated buildings in Russia began to develop since the early 60's, and currently is an independent industrial sector with a developed structure design institutions and formed the industrial base. Specialists characterize this market segment it as "promising" and "dynamic". Active use of prefabricated buildings attracts attention as professional builders and the general public. All the more common principle – "Any building must be built quickly and, if necessary, not less rapidly dismantled, the use of which allows the owner of the land as beneficial to use it in the light of constant changes in market conditions. Note that this is possible in principle and gives the money savings on the costs to build new building to 40%.

The Russian market for prefabricated buildings on the basis of welded steel I-beams and sandwich panels made 1,5 billion dollars. Market growth in recent years comprise 15-20% per year. According to forecasts, in the coming years the market will grow bvz equally active. Among the areas of pre-fabricated buildings are traditional segments of the commercial and industrial real estate. Technology investor often says this. Promising market for bvz are sports facilities and multi-storey car parks. Active development of the segment of sports facilities associated with the implementation of the federal program of sports and preparations for the Sochi Olympics.