When growing ornamental plants and fish in the pond can not do without "oxygen Stabilizer" special means to change the level of PH, the regulator biostabilnosti and many other drugs that contribute to the maintenance of the pond in good condition. Water in the pond is recommended to periodically update the part, but not more than 15% – not to create stressful situations for ornamental plants and fish. A small pond in the winter will have to merge, and more – clean, at least every three years to fully pump out water. To waterworks in the garden a joy, it is necessary to organize regular care for them: it is timely to remove surface dirt, residues, maintain the level of water. It is important that water facilities are safe, especially when walking in the garden with small children. In autumn it is expedient cover mirror pond netting to reduce the hit to the bottom of the leaves. Aquatic plants wintering in pond, it is necessary to lower in the deepest part of the pond. Prepare the pond for the winter – a special job. If the pond will overwinter fish and aquatic plants, you need to buy an aerator, in extreme cases, set the bundle of hollow stalks of delphinium, and as soon as the pond freezes over, make the hole 2.1. In severe winters film ponds and ponds of completed forms may suffer due to distention of the ice. So throw on the surface of the unfrozen pond plastic bottle closed at all.