Elektro Weimar from Reutlingen informs its customers solar and wind power were ridiculed often not too long ago, they now considered to build part of a sustainable energy supply. The Reutlinger company Elektro Weimar’s expert team informs the planning and installation of modern photovoltaic systems. Solar energy is virtually inexhaustible, easily available and effectively usable. Thus, it is attractive for a growing number of private and commercial property owners. Given the substantial investment, photovoltaic systems require first a preparatory, competent planning in advance examines all aspects of engineering. In the first place of the planning phase is the analysis of the structural foundations. To be suitable for the installation of a photovoltaic system, buildings have roofs, facades or roofs, which alignment and structural condition enables them to operate solar power systems for up to 30 years. The efficiency of electricity generation a photovoltaic system due to the fact that the solar cells at the correct angle to the Sun, adequately ventilated and never shaded are.

Importance of the shade avoiding of active photovoltaic systems. Already partially pseudoreference solar cells produce considerably less power and can cause permanent damage to the entire system due to the technical construction of a solar energy system. The electricity generation from photovoltaic systems reached their maximum effectiveness at a beam angle of sunlight 90. Taking into account of geographical factors, solar installations in Germany achieve their maximum performance at an exact alignment of the South and the solar cells to the Sun by about 30 bevel angle. Variations of the alignment South East or South West reduced the yield by up to 10%. The same applies to deviations of angle in the range between 10 and 50. Depending on further alignment and inclination angle differ from these values, photovoltaic systems deliver less power. If a building after Weighing these factors for the Assembly of solar cells would be appropriate, is a fundamental decision to make its functionality.