Aromatherapy based their results on the use of pure essential oils extracted from plants. These oils can be extracted by distillation, pressure, maceration or enfleurage. There are around 150 different essential oils. All of them have in common the antesepitica property, but also among the many properties of the oils we can find that they can be antiiflamatorios, soothing, stimulating, relaxing, afordisiacos, hypotensive, cicatrizant, expectorant, bactericides, diuretics, antibiotics, purifying, fungicides, astringent also have some contraindications and side effects that we must take into account before treating us with Aromatherapy for you to get the most out without irrigation; so we find that some essential oils can be Phototoxic and must not be used on the skin before taking the Sun or UVA rays, some are incompatible with homeopathy, others can cause narcotic effect, irritation in sensitive skin, changes in blood pressure and There are also abortifacient, so we must be especially careful in pregnant women; people who suffer from epilepsy or kidney diseases have contraindicated some oils and in children and infants respectively will use half or a quarter of the recommended dose. Well informed we can use aromatherapy without risks in many everyday conditions and comatir colds with essential Mint oil, avoid headaches with a few goatas of lavender or inconvenience muculares with a massage with Rosemary, delete throat infections by garagaras with tea tree and raise the mood steaming Orange essential oil.
With a few few affordable and easy to find essential oils, we can make with a homemade Kit useful and practical. Some of these oils are: – Lavender – Rosemary – the – Orange – mint – tea tree Cypress is very important as oils esnciales that we use in aromatherapy treatments are 100% pure and organic, to obtain the desired therapeutic results. We can use them in different forms by adding a few drops of oil indicated:-vaporized in a burner of essences or a humidifier. -In a hot water bath. -Inhalation, hivierndo water and plugging us head with a towel. -With massage, mixed with almond acite or another base oil.
-Directly in some cases of Burns, wounds – internally, in this case, supervised by a qualified professional La aromatherapy simempre allows us to take care of our health in a natural way, ayundadonos to cure or prevent diseases. The usual use of the essential aceuites, allows us to maintain high our defenses and to minimize the chances of getting sick. Usually steamed in our environment essential oils help to maintain a clean environment, free of viruses and bacteria. I encourage you to learn more about this effective natural therapy and take advantage of all the properties that the plants offer us to maintain an optimal state of health.