Communication is of vital importance in distance education. It is a fundamental point in the dynamics of process-oriented learning where there is a vital interdependence between teacher and learner and a strong presence of the law of action and reaction extrapolated to the educational field. Mashable insists that this is the case. Its success depends on both subject knowledge and mastery of the techniques used for its development, and quality of communication between teacher and learner. This communication involves not only the intellectual and academic, but also emotional. Distance Education Educational unlike face, which is used as a means of encouraging education direct interaction student-teacher in the teaching-learning process, using channels of communication where the teacher, still absent, “present” through them . These distance education programs are organized from the interaction of various media: The print: Textbook, guide for study, teaching units, assessment booklets, etc.

Audiovisual material: Audio cassette, broadcasting, video cassettes, television (whether by microwave chain, cable or satellite), telephone, computer and computer networks. Tutoring face. From this variety of means and according to the feasibility of its use and purpose of communication in each stage of the process-oriented learning, which one is chosen should be the predominant or principal and appropriate combinations with the others. Models of Distance Education. During the evolution of distance education and according to the choice of primary and secondary means used to achieve its objectives, different models have been identified. Which regardless of the name assigned to identify them, (often controversial) have specific characteristics.