Consortia are formed to achieve a better use of resources and in common and cooperative work. So are arming themselves various types of libraries, free access, private, specialized, with fertilizers, schoolchildren and others. It allows among its benefits, assemble and publish online electronic journals; also linked to other addresses that allow supplement readings, visit pages of authors, meanings, notes and additions on the different themes to investigate. Sometimes you can find electronic books that do not have their version printed, since it is more accessible and much less cost that Edition. And it is an ideal way to get to know new authors. The online book is intellectual property of their same author who also works in a similar way in the case of a printed book, and its Copyright. What does a book online, readers, unlike one printed? A book online is available anytime and from anywhere by means of Internet.Editing is never depleted and neither happens that someone has taken the only or the last copy of the library.
Contains hyperlinks within himself and toward other parts of the network, by way of cross-reference and sometimes, instead of page footnotes. As part of cyberspace, the book joins the web finding present in search engines and indexes within the same Web as well as to appear quoted and linked to by hyperlinks from other websites. Online book is can store, copy, send, process and transform all ways that the digital medium allows. You can cite with ease, copying sentences or paragraphs to mention in new texts, without risk of transcription errors. If texts that refer to an online book also published in cyberspace, appointments can support in hyperlinks. As already expressed, the publication cost is considerably less that one printed, so it can be practically free for their readers. At the same time, depending on your purpose and audience, the book online and the associated website can generate revenue according to the services offered, aims that arise and mechanisms of recovery that are designed.