is the official sponsor of the ConQuest 04.08 2013 from the 31.07 finds the ConQuest instead of one of the largest live action role play events for the eleventh time (short: LARPs) of the world. is not only the official sponsor, but also steeped in the scene. EACH year PULLING LIVE role playing as the CONQUEST thousands CAPTIVATED at first glance does it have strange: on LARPs adults turn into elves, Mages, orcs and Knights completely with robes, armor, and elaborate makeup. You stay medieval tents, speak in archaic language and otherwise completely go on in their roles. Why do they do that? LARPer see a creative way to get a break from reality in their hobby. Someone else be, can put themselves in strange worlds and new experience together with like-minded people, that’s what makes LARPs. Live role players are social Eskapisten: together they experience exciting adventures beyond the everyday and come back stronger in the normality. LARP equipment by MASKWORLD.COM – official SPONSOR of CONQUEST 2013 2013 offers a huge selection of high quality LARP equipment as established LARP Outfitters and official sponsor of the ConQuest: german/department/larp the robust paintings, padded weapons, make-up, special effects and the leather armor handmade in Berlin from own production meet the requirements of several open air events and look great! The people behind themselves regularly by the high quality of the products, because many of them are even passionate live role playing. Are available for you to download: Hochaufgelostes image material on these topics: press information of to further trim trends of the summer: press information to our retail store in Berlin-Mitte: store we are also available for: turning and photo opportunities in our retail shop, photo galleries and high resolution footage, interviews and sound bites, articles of maskworld makeup artist on the subject of makeup and special effects, as well as sweepstakes or promotions for your readers.