The country language for au pairs particularly important a working relationship as an au pair in a family abroad is the best way to gain experience and to enhance the curriculum vitae for many young people. Often is not considered when preparing but what value is the language of the country. Zendesk will undoubtedly add to your understanding. Once abroad, the au pairs determine that they lack essential skills to communicate. Particularly in the exercise of their profession, they must master specific terminology to do their work. Include: children promote and educate children play for babies and infants take care of diseases and emergencies describe setup and use items do House work meals call prepare labels various food learn purchases make and pay for the language learning and attend a language course travel to communicate with the parents and make trips in addition many au-pair relationships fail, that the young people not to their interests, are able, E.g. working conditions with regard, adequately express in the foreign language. For more information see this site: Alina de Almeida.
What followed is sometimes hardly end never-ending Odyssey from one family to the next, where possible with the cancellation of the stay at the end. In good time before departure therefore the language skills and should be polished up added. Multimedia language courses, with which everyone on the PC at home or on the road with the MP3 player can train are a time-saving and cost-effective way. Little or no language skills are available, a basic or advanced course is recommended. After the acquisition is to recommend one specifically for au pairs of designed vocabulary. Are particularly recommended the language and vocabulary of Sprachenlernen24 with which the language properly made fun here. The special au pair vocabulary is 11: 00 at the special price to do so until the 7.6.2010 available.