If you have difficulty in finding your desired equipment for gsm alarm systems installation, you can use our rekomendatsiyami. is a selection of different configuration options, the list used equipment. For equipment alarm garage, warehouse or hangar, choose; Sensors: To install sensors on the metal gate and gate sensors vyberemmagnitnokontaktnye qms qms 20 or 26, consisting of three pieces. In As the second line of protection, you can install infrared sensors, such as “Rapid” or microwave sensors, napimer Argus -3 “or combined use of ir + microwave sensors, such as the Falcon 2. These sensors control the volume inside the garage, and triggered by movement of people within its range. Sensor Sokol 2 “gives notice, only eslitrevoga passes through both channels, that is triggered only when motion is detected and the ir channel and the microwave channel, thus the probability of false positives is significantly reduced.

If there is a danger of a break wall, you can install the sensor “Rustle -2”, he responds to vibration and srabatyvaetpri trying to break. One sensor “Rustle 2” controls up to 12kv.m. brick or concrete wall. Operating temperature all the above sensors -30 + 50C. Siren: Choose a street 12 V pezosirenu in a plastic housing, napimer “Flute” 12v2, and if needed metal casing, and built-in siren light, choose the “Harp” 12K2, or “Beacon 12K. Device: If you need a gsm alarm, select the Signal-XT equipment Full. If you want to custom light-noise alarm with options for remote monitoring station, select “Quartz” or “Granite – 2” or “Astra 7121”, the latter three devices need to separately purchase the battery.