The city of Granada has a significant number of parks and gardens with many popular and historic links between these natural areas include the following:
Campo del Principe gardens from its location can be a splendid view of the neighborhoods of the Antequeruela and Mauror. At present (2008) sunsets and the nights are busy and lively, environment fostered by the many bars that vivify it. In an open and prominent rises a stone cross with the effigy of Christ, who is the protagonist of several religious events during the Easter grenadine. On Good Friday, the day that some Granada congregate in the square to ask for three favors to Christ.
Gardens of the Royal Hospital, surround the building, complementing the facade of windows and Plateresque a cover, done in 1640 by Alonso de Mena, which represents the Virgin and praying effigies of Ferdinand and Isabella (Reyes Catolicos), and has platabandas beds with lawn, plants and trees very varied, easing the slope of the terrain with hills and stairs.
Jardines del Paseo del Salon and the Bomb: at the end of the Carrera del Genil, on the right bank of the river, are the rides of the Bomb and the Salon. The gardens have a total area of 8.085and # 160; mà square-shaped longitudinal and parallel to the bed of the river Genil, repeating the distribution in shrubbery with hedges, most of boxwood or Japanese privet. Areas of stay are distributed throughout the gardens forming up to a total of eleven roundabouts: roundabout in cruising with circular pond, gazebo tree of Jupiter circling a date palm, small gazebo with cedar, the Titãs, with two shortcuts “The door of the lions” and “the bridge of the witch,” and pergolas, three small roundabouts with date palms; monument to the Duke of San Pedro de Galatina; source of the bomb; monument to Francisco de Paula Valladar, and finally , The source of Ninfa.
Fuente del Triunfo.
Jardines del Triunfo: These are where there was the old bullring, these gardens were built, opened in 1960. Formed by wide rides costs, are crowned by the monument to the Triumph of the Virgin and a source of 75 meters long with lighting and water. In the gardens there is low, right, a monument dedicated to St John of God, while to the left, a source with low circular fountain.
Jardines del Violon: are located next to the Congress and Exhibition of Grenada and develops along two perpendicular axes, make up a small promenade of palms and lime trees in gardens and along side the whole rows of trees. While the plaza is the place, which was held on January 2 1492, the encounter with de los Reyes Catolicos Boabdil, which is why 1997 is put into a memorial. An orange road towards the hermitage of San Sebastian and in an area with cinamomos Tree Gardens Violon complete.
Palace gardens of Cordoba: In the palace there is in these gardens are home to the Municipal Historical Archives. On one door was dropped into a courtyard with a gallery in its northern part and a fountain in the center. Some brick archways delimited a second square with a fountain and low mark the setting of the passage of cypresses leads to the main gate. To the right lies a garden grenadine and left two walks parallel: the romantic stroll and the vault bay.
Parque del ZaidÃn: covers an area of 7178 m2, is surrounded by wooden fences and hedges of hawthorn fire, lime trees and maples, with eight entries, takes place over three straight walks of land, planting boxes, in that some of the plants are identified with stone pillars, highlighting the spices. On the boulevard, is the alternation of areas of residence and dirt roads and stone, which are lined with various species of trees, highlightingthe various tranches as some olive and orange trees of Jupiter. One of the most characteristic element is the CHOPERA, located at the top of the boulevard with two species of poplar, trees that also surround the boulevard.
Plaza de la Trinidad: is located in a site that was ceded in 1893 by the state to the city to build the plaza. Through its existence has undergone some reforms, now survives, formed by radial walks entering under leafy trees, shrubbery beside showy, centered by a beautiful octagonal source of the eighteenth century, coming from a defunct convent that occupied the area.
Park Feb. 28: it has an extension for 3165 and # 160; mà ² and is located in the Poligono of Cartuja, is divided into different zones that are opened from a tour of central stone resulting in an octagonal, and finally, in a small theater, in every area of the park there is a central element that characterizes it: “statue” with a sculpture, “reading” with a cupboard for books and newspapers, “the CHOPERA” with a mock-up, “the source, “” theater “,” forest “,” track “with sports and” garden “with shrubbery and Japanese privet hedges of a palm tree as a centerpiece that organizes the space.
Park of Almunia Aynadamar: is located in the Avenida de Andalucia next to the Faculty of Fine Arts, its surface is 30.000and # 160; mà ², has twelve entries and a triangular distribution surrounded by a fence and wall, in addition to exist other than Plant screens in each of the sides: cypress, Pruna, hawthorn fire and laurel. … Phoenician m’ca of Moraleda de Zafayona (Grenada), the Corinthian helmet from the R ‘… It is dedicated to the Foreign Antig’des, notably the beautiful …
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