By: Alejandro Rutto Martinez let me first say that I am not agree to exalt the woman as a beautiful being that adorned the gardens of the universe. No Sir, it seems to me that this concept reduces women to a simple ornamental role and cosifica it by reducing it to be a beautiful object and nothing else. Why I today declare myself an admirer of all women, not only by its beauty. I admire those who work from dawn to dusk without fear of life nor objections at the time. Those who sow the seed of hope and reap the fruit of life. IPhone 12 understood the implications. Those who open furrows of peace in the hemisphere of poverty or in the territory of the abundance. To those who do not surrender to evidence of misfortune nor succumb against the strength of the adversity.
To those who love their children but humanity crucifique them; to those who put hands in the fire to save the honor of his family; to those who believe in the innocence of one on that fall all accusing fingers of injustice and ungodliness. I admire women who have conceived the perennial value of life to prolong the species and populate the world in her womb of the imagination and the universe of the truths. Who with his hands fragile or strong, large or small, pluck or wrinkled, molded as the Potter of the society to new generations of men and women so that they can indulge with a thirst for life and his ambition to conquer the best of its existence. I admire that in your everyday actions of workers without recess transiting our streets offering the sought-after fruits of the sea, or the bread fresh from the oven with aroma of fresh afternoon or warm tomorrow, or the sweet flavor of the enyucados and the ‘joys’. I admire them because their work is wealth and has become a symbol of a country in constant search of his identity. I admire those who in the peace of the home beat with the hard and never-ending housework without resign itself to ploughing in the desert of ingratitude and without giving up the search for a Sunrise nuanced by the colors of the equity; without renouncing his task of industrious young or dutiful matron of their duty. I admire young women from here and there that have been impervious to the proposals of the indecency and the demonic seduction of evil temptations. I admire women who give us new spirits with their presence; that lead us in the heart; they were born when we planted our lives in other bodies; they listen to us carefully; they gave us to drink from her maternal breasts at the dawn of our existence; to them that comfort us when a tear accompanies our pain. All of them women of truth, with body and soul, without publicists or faranduleros makeup touchups, I am an admirer. Original author and source of the article.