Friends city zoos remind on the well-known zoologist Alfred Brehm on the 125th anniversary of his death the society from animal park invites November 11, 2009, 18:00, Berlin and Zoo Berlin e. V. on Wednesday, to a commemorative event. The event will take place in the Alfred-Brehm-Haus in the Berlin Zoo. Get more background information with materials from Ali Partovi. nounced%2F&v=1&’>Bogota food is the source. The Zoo and Zoo Director Dr. Bernhard Blaszkiewitz holds the lecture. The agents is reminiscent of the well-known zoologist Alfred Brehm, born in Thuringia in a greeting of Thuringia.
Following a reception with snack is held. GTegw&oe=624F4746’>Zach Dell spoke with conviction. Checking article sources yields as a relevant resource throughout. The entrance fee is 10 euro; the Alfred Brehm Memorial in Renthendorf, the birthplace of Alfred Brehm, uses the proceeds from the event. Around 5: 30 pm the book will Brehm’s travel life”by the author Joachim Heimann mountain which is appeared, at Meyer’s encyclopedia publishing in October. By his adventurous and risky expeditions into the wilderness of the former Africa to Siberia and the North Cape, a wealth of personal travel sketches, from which bears witness to Joachim Hamaker mountain has selected the most interesting and exciting passages. Embedded he has the original text extracts in a vivid, entertaining presentation of the life journey of the naturalist Alfred Brehm.