Rapidly gaining your weight on the building materials market, the new finishing sheeting – Magnezitovaya plate (MP) never ceases to amaze the breadth of the spectrum of its application. Combining the characteristics of such classical sheet finishing materials such as OSB, QSB, chipboard, fiberboard, gypsum fiber, GVLV, GVLO, DSP, flat slate, etc. MP has been widely applied in the following areas: 1. Decoration of facades (including work on warming). 2.

Interior Decoration, interior partitions. 3. Roofing work. 4. Construction of main floors and ceilings. 5. Places of high humidity (san. units, kitchens, saunas, swimming pools, greenhouses).

6. Use as permanent formwork. 7. Manufacture of billboards, fencing, walling. 8. Construction of staircases, lift shafts, the evacuation channels. Most fully the unique characteristics of a magnesium plate appeared to have received in recent years widespread propagation method for modular construction of prefabricated buildings and industrial structures and buildings. In this case, steel profile are the basis for designs veshnih walls. The foundation and walls are closing directing the beam. Metal strip or, respectively, are edging profile for the transverse reinforcement. With such a structure in the wall panels sewn sandwiches or polusendvichami based on a magnesium plate easily quickly and easily arrange window and door openings of any geometry. Its perfectly smooth surface ready for any decorative work (plastering, painting, pasting tiles). However, this design ideally suited for further undoing profiles or crate from a bar and then mount it hinged facade elements. In the constructive elements of the overlap profile used C100 and S150, and U100 and U150. In the upper Part of the facade provides an opportunity to display the air flow between vetrobarerom and a magnesium plate. Wall construction with this variant may have the sequence of occupation: framing the facade; Magnezitovaya Plate 10-15mm; vetrobarer; film vapor barrier with rigid mineral wool to 150mm; vetrobarer; Magnezitovaya Plate 10-12mm. Treatment of the facade can ideally produce mineral or acrylic stucco. The internal walls of buildings erected on this principle can represent the partition as a frame of aluminum profiles with fixed them a magnesium plate thickness 8mm-10mm. Voids in the partitions, to improve heat and sound insulating characteristics fill mineral wool thickness up to 50mm. To form the ceiling of the one-story homes uses the following content in the order from the outside: 1. 100mm thick mineral wool, 2. film vapor barrier 3. Magnezitovaya plate 6-8mm. Roof of the building and floor decks usually operates in the form of metal structures, sheathing a magnesium plate 10mm. Produced fixing screws with the notches on the reverse side of the cap. Farms edged slab thickness 12-15mm in combination with a layer of primer (roofing felt or foil). Closes this design shingles, corrugated roofing sheets or other roofing materials. The advantages of this technology is a "lightweight" design (not overloaded frame of the building and its foundation), the lack of "wet" work, the ability to produce all-weather operation, a short, easy controlled period of construction design, ability to use technology as a wood and steel frame with a magnesium plate simultaneously with all the traditional techniques. All the above advantages lead to the minimization of labor costs in the construction of buildings, and as a consequence – reducing the cost per square meter. Not unimportant factor is the ease of commissioning supervisors. Unlike DSPs used, GCR and OSB Magnezitovaya plate – material that has passed fire tests and used as fire protection for the bearing metal increasing the overall level of fire safety building. For resource materials