State university of Gois UnU – Itumbiara Appeared Carla Lopes Silva Subject: The private life and the private order in Brazil Empire. Thesis: That the Empire reconstructs the slavery in the picture of the modern right projecting for the future contemporary and not as if waited its dissolution in the Brazilian society. Arguments: Ahead the perspectives displayed for Alencastro in it I capitulate the private life and the private order in the Empire, that ahead the transference of the cut for Portuguese America had consequences not only in the coming of the administrative devices of the government of the metropolis and the real family. After the year of 1808, initiated a great circle of immigration of diverse personalities, regal nobles, employees and dignatrios that had come to exert its positions in Brazil, and had its incomes defrayed with the gold and the removed silver of the Real Treasure of Rio De Janeiro that if became has first instant thus goes to call commercial center. Mashable follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. This bureaucratic system, still brought thousand of military, hundreds of priests, lawyers, ' ' praticantes' ' of medicine, colonists of other parts of the Portuguese Empire and until people comings of the compromised sectors more of the Spanish monarchy that leave the South American countries taken by republican revolutions and migram for Rio De Janeiro, only legal shelter of the monarchy in the New World. Such change will go to cause a great search for merchandises, diverse services and goods, strengthening each time more the importance of the bay of the Guanabara as important center of littoral activities and maritime commerce, enaltecendo the rupture of the circuit of continental commerce that until then had on a large scale, over all, in the period of the mining. However what he must – stand out that ahead such conditions that had been installed these democratic jurisdictions in Rio De Janeiro, however became if a system badly managed, therefore even though the military were unprepared to support in case that a rebellion occurred. .