Animals gather in colonies on the coast of the peninsula of the same name, they do not have enough food, increasing the risk of infections. Last year, the shoreline length of 250 km above was found about a thousand dead walrus Scientists believe that the fires help to preserve the biodiversity of the Australian desert Scientists from Stanford University and the University of Utah in the United States as a result of their long-term studies have concluded that the fires that regularly arrange Australian Aborigines in the west of the continent, not only does not harm the ecosystem of the region, but even help to preserve the diversity of plants and animals. The results showed that territories that are subject to regular artificial fires, there is a greater diversity of species than in areas where fires occur only on the lightning. According to scientists for a long time since the appearance of modern humans in Australia form, producing their own food by arson, the continent’s ecosystems are formed, which was adapted to regular fire and support in this situation biological diversity. Wasps are able to recognize and remember each other even if recently it was thought that social insects such as wasps, bees and ants, although they live in colonies, can not distinguish each other, now, Research by zoologists from the University of Michigan, found that it is not so. It turns out that wasps are able to recognize each other’s ‘face’ and to remember about dealing with certain special even in a week.
Scientists have observed the behavior of paper wasps polystyrene (Polistes fuscatus), which lives in colonies and builds a nest with honeycombs. Scientists have found that females with polystyrene more aggressive toward strangers than to members of his family. It was also found that the wasps remember those wasps, with whom they fought at least a week. For the experiment, the scientists collected 50 unrelated females of polystyrene, which were kept in pairs in a single container for a day, and then separated. Once in the container, wasps struggled, and then sets the ‘loving’ relationship. Once a week after the separation of the os again put in one container, they retain the ‘peaceful’ behavior, although meetings with unfamiliar individuals continued to show aggression. A new study shows that complex social behavior may have deeper roots in animals than previously thought.