Recently a friend asked me to help him determine the proper size for a room in a family home that was designing for the construction. I was looking for some design rules that will ensure a comfortable environment, architecturally correct spaces, a shortcut for good design. Well it is, having the ability to do a bit of research, patience, know that comfort is looking for and quite tasteful. A good research leads to good design starts by fully understand your site, every space, every kind of weather. Before any actual design, know the problem in depth. Inquire about the building you want to, the location of other buildings, the nearby also, trace the viewpoints better and worse, taking into account the weather and the Sun angles throughout the year, the measurement of the slope of the urbanization and the ground and anything else that may affect the design of your House. The other part is less tangible, record their dreams and desires, a little research he saves the day, there are bookstores that have much about design for the home and construction, there are magazines of decoration, with announcements of products, decoration articles and reviews of projects.
Now you have a file at once, to help you define your tastes, keep track of their ideas and communicate your tastes to who is going to help you get this project of design and construction. Start your design well slowly is excited?, you’ve been thinking about this for months, planning, dreaming, collecting ideas, visit other houses and usually prepares to begin work on the design. Defer any decision irrevocable, to not having seen many, until you notice that you there is more. Keep things under the form of brainstorming, there will be loose sketches, will have to be open to change at will. Design from the inside out, there is no perfect size for a room, too many houses are designed from the outside in the first place, leaving awkwardly sized guest rooms ridiculous in its interior. A good design must adapt to you, not vice versa, you are a unique individual with unique needs. Interior design can be something so small as to make sure that your bedroom fits your bed king size, without the window lock, or so big to decide if you really need a dining room, living room, and other formal spaces in the House. It is figure out how to use their rooms and do their furniture.
You can start working on the paper with cutouts to scale of your furniture or put some chairs in the backyard and move around, a professional trick, incluyase within the design project. Simple design is easier, better construction and accessible good design is almost always simple, clean, tidy, simple geometry, good proportions and relevant details. Simple shapes enclose more space within a smaller perimeter, this makes it easier and less costly construction. More news Original author and source of the article