GSM Tools

Tools for the right job

Computing Centre

The workstation is available, it is assigned to the user. Access the client workstation via a powerful ICA protocol, which provides integrated HDX technology for fast transfer rates even when large graphics files. The performance of the virtual solution is excellent”, CEMA-consultant Florian Gritschneder, who oversees the project on the spot reported. In the LAN the virtual application runs just as fast as on the local workstations”. Currently, the solution.. Read More

As The Computer Changed Our Life

The computer changed our lives more and more importance in our lives the computer more and more. Everything you can do on the computer and thus becoming more and more isolated. We download the latest CD over the Internet to us, use our phone chat that less and less, and look at the hottest movies on the Internet. On the one hand, this is naturally practical, because these variants are.. Read More